Case closed: Maxwell scholar finds love of law through dual internships
WASHINGTON, PA (September 20, 2022)—W&J senior Kyleigh Jester has seen her share of trials.

Monkeying around: biology major makes animal encounters educational in zoo internship
WASHINGTON, PA (August 12, 2022)—Rising senior Holly Troesch works with a bunch of animals. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Founded through food: Cuban-American student re-connects with culture in Miami Magellan
WASHINGTON, PA (August 5, 2022)—When COVID-19 threatened rising senior Isabella Manzari’s plan to travel to Cuba and re-connect with her culture, she got inventive.

W&J receives $100,000 Gladys Brooks Foundation grant to create new Center for World Languages and Cultures
WASHINGTON, PA (August 4, 2022)—The Gladys Brooks Foundation, a New York-based foundation, recently awarded a $100,000 grant to the Department of Modern Languages at Washington & Jefferson College to create a new Center for World Languages and Cultures (CWLC).