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Day of Giving 2021 logo

7th Annual W&J Day of Giving

Start Date, Time: Feb 15, 2021 5:00 am
End Date, Time: Feb 16, 2021 4:59 am

W&J Day of Giving is a 24-hour online fundraising campaign where the entire W&J community comes together to support Washington & Jefferson College’s students, faculty, and campus programs. 

Gifts can be directed to the W&J Fund, department, sports team, club, or W&J program that means the most to the donor. What matters the most is that every President gives. *The minimum gift to be counted for W&J Day of Giving is $5. 

On February 15, we will strive to surpass 800 donors on the 7th annual W&J Day of Giving!

Find more information on Day of Giving on jayconnected.com/WJDayofGiving.

Event Details

Office: Alumni Engagement
Event Organizer: Alumni Engagement
Event Venue: Campus-wide
60 S Lincoln St
Washington, PA 15301 United States

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