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Small Business Saturday - PNG

Ignite’s Pop-Up Market on Small Business Saturday

Start Date, Time: Nov 27, 2021 3:00 pm
End Date, Time: Nov 27, 2021 7:00 pm

To not only kick-off the holiday season, but to celebrate National Small Business Saturday, Ignite, in partnership with Downtown Washington’s Business District, is hosting a Pop-Up Market on Saturday, November 27th from 10am-2pm here at Ignite located at 57 E. Chestnut Street, Washington, PA. Visit our space here at Ignite and enjoy browsing a variety of items from jewelry, scarves and accessories and sweet and savory confections, to wreaths (dried and real evergreen!) along with matcha tea and balloon kits. There’s something for everyone and a great way to support small businesses. Current list of vendors includes: Yang & Yin HealthBeau Street StudioKindred Flower FarmThe Cheerful BalloonThe Kitchen RoninPopcorn Willy, Pap’s Preserves and Pickled Thangs, Double Dipped Caitfections, Victor Grace Jewelry, Sunday Morning Candle Company and Desire to be Well with Sandi Kern and her new book (recently named International Best Seller) with recipes and wellness for health and happiness.

At this time we have closed registration for vendors but please share this event with your family, friends neighbors and support these businesses as you start your holiday shopping! Questions? E-mail me and I’m happy to help!*

*Please note for your safety and the safety of others, Washington and Jefferson College requires that you wear a mask upon entering any campus building.

Event Details

Office: Ignite Business Incubator and Co-Working Space
Event Organizer: Washington & Jefferson College
Event Venue: IGNITE Business Incubator
57 E Chestnut Street
Washington, PA 15301 United States

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