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Jennifer Harding, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Academic Program: Creative Writing, English, Gender & Women's Studies, American Studies, African American Studies
Dr. Jennifer Riddle Harding is a Professor in the English Department. Her specialities include American literature and culture, the American Short Story, narrative theory, and figurative language. She frequently pursues interdisciplinary questions in research and teaching, and teaches courses affiliated with interdisciplinary programs in African American Studies, American Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, and the First Year Seminar program. In her current book project, Vanishing Kin: Two Biracial Women and the White Families Who Forgot Them, she tells the story of two sisters born into slavery in Maryland who eventually moved their children and passed as white widows in Uniontown, Pennsylvania and Eaton, New York.
- Similes, Puns, and Counterfactuals in Literary Narrative. Routledge, 2017. Link to entry
- "Reader Response Criticism and Stylistics." Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, 2nd, edited by Michael Burke, Routledge, forthcoming. Link to entry
- “Epistolary Cognition: the Family Letters of Rosalie Calvert.” Language and Literature Vol 30, No. 1, 2021, pp. 37 – 53. Link to entry
- "Looking for Charles." North Carolina Literary Review 2019. (Second place winner of the Alex Albright Creative Nonfiction Prize in 2018). Link to entry
- "Women in Chesnutt's Short Fiction: Canons, Connections, Classrooms." Approaches to Teaching the Works of Charles W. Chesnutt, edited by Susanna Ashton and William J. Hardwig, MLA Publications, 2017. (This collection won the Sylvia Lyons Render Award for outstanding Chesnutt scholarship). Link to entry
- "The Poetics of Hamilton." Babel: The Language Magazine, Issue 19, 2017, pp. 10-15. Link to entry
- 2013 "Violence Then, Violence Now." Pittsburgh Post Gazette 27 Aug. 2013, p. B-7. Link to entry
- "Narrating the Family in Charles W. Chesnutt's 'Her Virginia Mammy.'" Journal of Narrative Theory (special issue "Decolonizing Narrative Theory") vol. 42, no. 3, 2012, pp. 309-331. Link to entry
- "Teaching in a Wikipedia World." Pittsburgh Post Gazette 16 Dec. 2012, p. B1+. Link to entry
- "Metaphor, Cognitive Distance, and Framed Narratives in Charles Chesnutt's 'Dave's Neckliss'." Blending and the Study of Narrative, edited by Ralf Schneider and Marcus Hartner. Boston: de Gruyter, 2012, pp. 229-251. Link to entry
- "Hallowed Ground." Pittsburgh Post Gazette 12 Sept. 2011. Link to entry
- "Democracy on Flight 93." Pittsburgh Post Gazette 2 July 2011. Link to entry
- "He Had Never Written a Word of That: Regret and Counterfactuals in Hemingway's 'The Snows of Kilimanjaro'." The Hemingway Review vol. 30, no. 2, 2011, pp. 21-35. Link to entry
- 2009. "Malia, Sasha, and Harriett" Pittsburgh Post Gazette 19 April 2009: G1+. Link to entry
- "A Mind Enslaved?: The Interaction of Metaphor, Cognitive Distance, and Narrative Framing in Chesnutt's 'Dave's Neckliss'." Style vol. 42, no. 4, 2008, pp. 425-447. Link to entry
- "Extending the Classroom Space: Wikis, Online Discussions, and Short Fiction." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 131-138. Link to entry
- "Evaluative Stance and Counterfactuals in Language and Literature" Language and Literature, vol. 16, no. 3, 2007, pp. 263-280. (Winner of the PALA Prize 2007) Link to entry
- "On Simile" (with Michael Israel & Vera Tobin). Language, Culture and Mind, edited by Suzanne Kemmer and Michel Achard. CSLI Publications, 2005, pp. 123-135. Link to entry
- Gagged Petitions and Unanswered Prayers: James M. Whitfield's Anxious America." College Language Association Journal vol. 47, no. 2, 2003, pp. 175-192. Link to entry
- 1998. "Back (or Forward?) to the Future: Understanding Time as Movement Expressions" (with Matthew S. McGlone). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1211-1223. Link to entry