The Social Justice Studies (SJS) minor provides students with opportunities to develop a knowledge framework and skills necessary to participate in the building of a more just society. By introducing students to diverse social justice issues through the lens of multiple disciplinary perspectives and by providing opportunities for experiential learning, the SJS minor will help students become active contributors to positive social change. By doing so, the Program supports the W&J mission to graduate informed and responsible citizens of local, national, and global communities.
Social Justice Studies Snapshot
Social Justice Studies Faculty
Jason Kilgore, Ph.D.
Professor of Biology; Coordinator of Environmental Science Major; Co-coordinator for Social Justice Studies ProgramOlga Solovieva, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director of Religious Studies; Interfaith Leadership Studies Coordinator; Social Justice Studies Co-CoordinatorSocial Justice Studies News
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Social Justice Studies Events
More content coming soon! See our full event calendar for more events.