Anja Popey '22

Economics, Chemistry

The senior chemistry and economics major took advantage of W&J’s signature program, The Magellan Project, to learn more about the culture and cuisine in Italy.

The senior chemistry and economics major took advantage of W&J’s signature program, The Magellan Project, to learn more about the culture and cuisine in Italy.

“I am extremely happy that I was able to study cuisine so in-depth with the help of funds provided by my school,” Anja said. “I’ve learned from studying cuisine in Italy that food is a very integral part of just general living in Italy and is extremely emphasized especially in large families. Furthermore, I realized that each city really does pride itself on specific dishes and they really try to perfect each dish. I’ve learned to listen and communicate better with people as well as to be excited about experiencing and learning new things. Since I want to be a doctor, these are both very important skills as it’s what I will constantly be doing.”

Question 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum, libero at semper malesuada, sem nunc tincidunt sem, at interdum nibh orci sit amet purus. Ut aliquam nec elit quis commodo. Integer sit amet faucibus nisl.

Question 2

Curabitur a dapibus orci. Sed dictum, tellus vel tincidunt porta, diam elit lacinia justo, sed bibendum lacus odio vel est. Mauris venenatis augue mauris, at imperdiet eros tempor eu.

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