Nurturing a Passion for Economics Leads to an FDIC Internship
For Samara Wendel ’20, keeping a full schedule is second nature. The financial economics major and Chinese and accounting minor added to that schedule with an internship with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
W&J’s Career Services resources helped Samara to find and land the internship after encouraging her to join W&J’s online job search platform, which connects students and alumni with internship and employment opportunities. At the time, she was completing a semester abroad in Ireland at University College Cork where she studied economics, Chinese, history and English, but she didn’t let the time difference stop her. As Samara became more involved with her Chinese studies, she completed a Magellan Project in China. The following summer she completed a six-week internship as part of the implementation phase of Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment (LIASE) program grant.
W&J has been full of learning opportunities for Samara. “I’ve had so many good experiences because of W&J,” Samara said. “There’s so much the College has to offer, and I want to take advantage of everything while I’m here.”