WASHINGTON, PA (June 20, 2018)—A campus visit can make all the difference in finding the right college for you—even if that visit happens while you’re studying at another institution.
Trevor Echols ’20 came to a Washington & Jefferson College (W&J) open house in search of the right place to pursue a degree in psychology and found exactly what he was looking for.
“I was very impressed with the standard that W&J holds its professors to and its academics, but it offers much more than just being a tremendous academic institution. It’s the feeling you get walking around campus—the feeling of being part of something much bigger than yourself as you walk past the statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson helps you really understand the honor and magnitude of being able to call yourself a President,” Trevor said.
While Trevor doesn’t start at W&J until this fall, he’s enjoyed the process of learning more about the College. Student ambassadors at the open house made him feel like he was already part of the W&J community, and help from staff members like Karen Gerardi, senior assistant director for transfer students and operations, made the process easy.
“I must say, transferring to a new college can be daunting, but at W&J from the minute you express interest, you are treated like family, and the stress and the worries just seem to vanish,” he said.
Trevor encourages other students who may be considering transferring to W&J to see the school and meet with members of the W&J community.
“The decision can be very stressful, but by choosing W&J, you’re not only deciding to join the College, but a family,” he said. “You hear stories of how a person’s college experience has shaped them into who they are today, and I promise you that with W&J you’re not looked at as just a number, but a person with great potential to do amazing things—and that’s something you won’t get anywhere else.”
If you’re ready to explore your potential at W&J like Trevor, find out more about transferring to W&J or schedule a visit to campus today!
This article is the third in a series on transfer students. Check out the first story here and the second story here.
About Washington & Jefferson College
Washington & Jefferson College, located in Washington, Pa., is a selective liberal arts college founded in 1781. Committed to providing each of its students with the highest-quality undergraduate education available, W&J offers a traditional arts and sciences curriculum emphasizing interdisciplinary study and independent study work. For more information about W&J, visit washjeff.dev, or call 888-W-AND-JAY.
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